Sunday, August 10, 2008


'Harvey Milk Day" Proposed for California Schools

There's an old saying that to boil a frog, you can't do it by putting him into a pot of hot water, because he'll simply jump out. Yet if you place him in cold water and then gradually increase the temperature, he'll never know what hit him until it's too late. The same principle appears to be at work in California as gay activists continue their campaign to legitimize the gay lifestyle.

This past week both houses of the California legislature passed AB 2567, which would establish an amendment to the California education code, creating May 22 as "Harvey Milk Day." The bill is now waiting for Governor Schwarzenegger's signature.

Harvey Milk was an outspoken gay businessman in San Francisco who was elected to municipal government in the 1970s. He was tragically murdered at city hall and he has become something of a martyr to gay activists. His murder was a blight on this country, as all murders are, yet this does not justify enshrining the homosexual lifestyle that he so vocally proclaimed.

This official proclamation would require "the Governor to proclaim May 22 of each year as Harvey Milk Day, and would designate that date as having special significance in public schools and educational institutions and encourage those entities to conduct suitable commemorative exercises on that date."

The notion that states and/or public schools should be pushing the particular sexual proclivities of adults to California school children is beyond unreasonable. This would clearly violate the consciences of many California teachers and school children, who may object to this lifestyle on any number of grounds. Along with the inclusion of "gay friendly" textbooks and the recent same sex marriage ruling by the California Supreme Court, gay activists are tightening the noose around the the free speech rights of Judeo-Christian people.

The ultimate goal is to move the culture to a place where expressing the opinion that marriage is between a man and a women, or to make reference to scriptural teachings against homosexual behavior, will be tantamount to hate speech and require requisite legal sanction. Christians, in particular, should be mindful that removing their Church's tax exempt status is likely a prime target for these activists.

Californians are urged to email Governor Schwarzenegger and ask him to veto this bill. Classrooms should not be places for political indoctrination; it's important that people pray to our Lord Jesus Christ to protect children from lies presented as truth. Those unfortunate people who labor under such lies should be reasoned with in a loving and charitable way; we should all pray for them and our state.


Thank you for your topic. I'm Catholic by conversion from Southern Baptist in '68.
I believe you are right on and so is Jesus. In Matthew our Lord prophesied that those of us who follow him will be persecuted, brought before judges, jailed and some will be martyred.
Now, we are seeing that happen. Remember the Philadelphia Five a few years back? Five pastors went to a gay block party and preached the gospel. They were jailed for hate speech.

Like you say, we can pray. And I think we should brace ourselves to suffer for our faith even in America, once a Christian nation. But, now, the Anti-Christ comes against us.

Let our faith and love shine through the trials to come.

Don Snow
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